Copyright ©. FBI Baseball Camp. All rights reserved.
National Baseball Hall of Fame -
Cooperstown, New York
Berlin -
C.A.L.L. 2023 8U Team -
Amherst, New York
Ormond Beach -
FBI Baseball Camp - "Around the World"
Do you wear your F.B.I. Baseball Camp shirt with pride, EVERYWHERE you go? If so, and you want to be on our website, please send us pictures of the places you take your shirt!
Please send photos to
Be sure to tell us where the photo was taken and include a statement that gives us permission to post the photo on our website!
Let's see how many places our shirt can visit!
York Beach -
York, Maine
Long Beach Island - Ocean County, New Jersey
Natural Stone Bridges -
Adirondacks, New York
Progressive Field - Cleveland, Ohio
Virginia Beach -
Disney Springs - Orlando, Florida
Oakland -Alameda County Coliseum -
Oakland , Califormnia
Lake Huron -
Port Hope, Michigan
Mount Rushmore -
Keystone, South Dakota
Downtown -
Havana, Cuba